Monday, April 25, 2011


So, seeing as this is the first post, I thought I would include a short introduction to my idea behind this new blog.

I wanted to create a blog where I could discuss some of my thoughts on some historical mysteries and questions and allows others who are interested in the same topic to discuss and add their thoughts.  I imagine topics to range from ancient history all the way up to the present.  Although I may touch on mysteries that many may recognize, I will try to shy away from topics that have been covered ad nauseum.  I doubt that I will be covering the Kennedy Assassination, for example.  I will also try and stay away from topics that are deeply connected to conspiracy theories. If you are looking for a blog to discuss with others that believe the Pentagon was actually attacked by a missile on September 11th, perhaps you should go elsewhere.  On the other hand, I could change my mind.

Now for a few additional points and some ground rules.  First, I am not a professional historian and I don't play one on TV.  I am simply your common, everyday non-academic with a particular interest in history.  I apologise in advance for any errors in my posts.  Please feel free to correct me.

Second, personally, I find ancient to early modern European history of most interest.  I have a particular affinity to British history.  You may find my posts seems to focus a lot on that general area of the globe and that general time period.  This is not because I think, for example, Japanese history is less important.  I just haven't read as much about it and I don't feel like I know enough about the topic to have an intelligent conversation.

Speaking of intelligent conversations; I hope to keep the discussions here lively but civil.  I am not pre-screening comments in order to encourage posting and a free exchange of ideas.  That being said, I reserve the right to remove posts or posters that sink to personal attacks or profanity.  Passion is great but let's try and be adults here.

So, that is about it.  I hope to post a new topic on here every week or so.  For my first topic I decided to pick a fairly controversial and provocative subject right off the bat:  "Did Christianity Destroy the Roman Empire."  I am working on it right now and hope to get the new post in the next few days.  In the meantime, if you have any interesting topics or ideas, please feel free to contact me.

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